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New office building for 150 people

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) embarked on the construction of a new office building in Olten at the end of March 2006. The four-storey structure will occupy the area between the existing Atel Head Office buildings and provide additional space for some 150 people.

The new office block will be built eastwards onto the existing main building. The offices along the railway lines will be extended by the addition of a further two floors and then connected to the new block and the existing buildings. This will ensure optimum use of available space and the best possible integration into the existing buildings. The project will ease the space constraints imposed by Atel’s growth in recent years. The top floor of the new building will house a spacious energy trading floor. The offices should be ready for use by early 2008 at the latest. There will also be changes to the Atel parking area: the old building on Aarburgerstrasse is to be demolished so that the car park can be extended.

The construction phase, which will run from April 2006 to December 2007, will inevitably cause some inconvenience to pedestrians and road users in the vicinity of the main Post Office. The bus stop has been transferred from Unterführungsstrasse to Postplatz to make room for the construction installations. There may also be some temporary obstructions as a result of building work. 

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity Corporate Communications

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel)
Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) is the leading production-based energy service provider in Switzerland and operates at a pan-European level. Founded in 1894, Atel focuses on the two core businesses of production-based Energy Trading and Energy Services. The group of companies, domiciled in Olten, employs a staff of around 8400 and generated a turnover of CHF 8.6 billion in 2005. Its main markets in the energy sector are Switzerland, Italy, Germany and the Central and Eastern European countries. Its goods and services range from portfolio management and group energy supplies, to energy derivatives and option contracts, to establishing distribution concepts involving other partners. Trading and distribution are supported by a number of proprietary hydraulic and thermal power stations plus a broadly ramified transmission grid. With its Energy Services Division, Atel provides all technical services pertaining to energy (electricity, gas, oil and biomass) and its uses as power, lighting, cooling and heating, communication and security. Atel is among the leading providers of Energy Services in both Switzerland and Germany.