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Gábor Briglovics appointed new General Manager of Alpiq Csepel Businesses

Gábor Briglovics became the new General Manager of Alpiq Csepel Businesses (Hungary) on 1 June 2008, taking over from Allan Walmsley who was appointed Head of Power Generation Central Europe at the beginning of 2008. In Gábor Briglovics the Alpiq subsidiary has a chief executive who is a recognised expert with in-depth knowledge of the Hungarian energy market.

Gábor Briglovics joined Atel in 2003, and worked as Group Commercial Director at Atel Csepel Businesses before taking over his new post as General Manager. As head of the Commercial activities, Gábor developed an extensive network of relationships throughout the Hungarian energy industry and particularly with MVM, the offtaker of Csepel’s production. As such he is highly regarded within the Industry and his experience will be important as the Csepel Business moves into a new commercial environment.

Atel acquired the Csepel power station complex at the end of 2002. Csepel consists of two plants: a modern gas-fired combined cycle power station built in 2000 and a thermal power station renovated in 1984. The gas-fired power station meets around six percent of Hungary's total electricity requirement. Situated on the banks of the River Danube in Budapest, the complex can operate on both gas and oil.