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Change in Atel management

A change of leadership in Atel Corporate Communications: Rolf Schmid, the present incumbent, is moving on to become a co-owner and partner in a consult-ing firm. Succeeding him in the post is Martin Bahnmüller, who joins Atel after being head of communications at Ascom’s Transport Revenue division.

Rolf Schmid, head of Corporate Communications, has chosen to leave Atel. He joined the company in 1997 as head of marketing at the Switzerland business unit. From 2001, he carried overall responsibility for the Atel Group’s communication and energy policy. His activities included bringing a stronger international flavour to Group commu-nications, developing the Atel brand and corporate marketing, media relations work, and managing various national and international energy policy dossiers.

33-year-old Rolf Schmid is set to become a co-owner and partner in TEAG Advisors AG, a consulting company headquartered at Grabs in the canton of St. Gallen (Switzer-land). He will be in charge of TEAG’s communications and management consultancy business, as well as setting up a new branch office in Olten (canton Solothurn) to serve the central region of Switzerland. Stemming from his longstanding work at Atel, Rolf Schmid will contribute his specialist knowledge of the energy industry in particular. Atel thanks him for his services and wishes him every future success.

The incoming head of Corporate Communications is Martin Bahnmüller, aged 41 and holder of a Swiss federal diploma in PR consulting. He presently works as head of communications at Ascom’s Transport Revenue division. His earlier posts included six years in overall charge of communication at ALU Menziken Holding AG. Martin Bahnmüller has worked in communications since graduating from business school. He spent around ten years as an editor at various newspapers. His initial experience in the electricity industry came with the post of information officer at Aargau Elektrizitätswerk (AEW).

Martin Bahnmüller will take over at the Communication and Energy Policy unit in mid-November 2004.

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity Corporate Communications 

Download portrait Rolf Schmid (300 dpi)Download portrait Martin Bahnmüller (300 dpi)