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Annonces événementielles

Fiscal Year 2006

For fiscal 2006, the Motor-Columbus Group’s consolidated sales increased 32% to CHF 11,334 million, and net income including minority interest climbed…

Atel fait l'acquisition de Hotz SA à Zurich

Le groupe Atel Installationstechnik (AIT) renforce sa position dans le domaine des installations sanitaires et de chauffage en acquérant la société…

Résultats d’Atel durant l’exercice 2006

Aar et Tessin SA d’Electricité (Atel) a de nouveau obtenu d’excellents résultats durant l’exercice 2006. Le chiffre d’affaires net consolidé du groupe…

Atel rachète Bassi e Scossa SA à Lugano

Atel Installationstechnik AG rachète, avec effet rétroactif au 1er janvier 2007, l’entreprise Bassi e Scossa SA, dont le siège se trouve à Lugano.…

Results for the third quarter of 2006

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) performed very well in the first nine months of 2006. As at the end of September 2006, turnover was around 43…

Atel Group results for the first half of 2006

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel), the Swiss energy-services provider that is active throughout Europe, substantially increased both turnover…

Motor-Columbus Group Resports First Half Results

The Motor-Columbus Group, in particular Atel and its group companies[1] as the principal subsidiary operations, posted solid results for the first…

Decision by the Swiss Federal Banking Commission on the Motor-Columbus exchange offer

Results for the first quarter of 2006

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) completed the first three months of 2006 with an increase in turnover and encouraging earnings. The…

Federal Banking Commission's decision on the Motor-Columbus public exchange offer

111th Annual Shareholders Meeting of Motor-Columbus Ltd

At the 111th Annual Meeting of Shareholders held in Baden, shareholders of Motor-Columbus Ltd approved all proposals submitted by the Board.

111th Atel Annual General Meeting

Shareholders in Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) looked back on another successful financial year at the company’s 111th Annual General Meeting…

Creation of the new Atel/EOS energy group on course

AIT Group makes acquisition in the HVAC sector

Zürich-based Atel Installationstechnik (AIT) Group is acquiring Luwa Schweiz AG, a leader in premises ventilation and air conditioning, from Zellweger…

Atel, EOS form new leading Swiss energy group in association with EDF

The agreements on the disposal by UBS of its majority shareholding in Motor-Columbus to a predominantly Swiss-owned consortium, and on the planned…