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Exchange of main bearings at Vetrocom wind farm

Together with Enertrag Service GmbH, Alpiq Wind Services is changing the main bearings on two wind turbines this year. The large-component exchange on the first turbine has already been completed.

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With this job a dream has come true

From family to business: the inspiring journey of Karin Manser, currently Strategy Implementation Advisor at Alpiq.

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Alpiq with strong results and high positive cash flow

Alpiq achieves strong results of operations in the extremely turbulent environment of the past year. Adjusted EBITDA rises to CHF 473 million and is up 51 % on the previous year. Thanks to decisive action and targeted measures, liquidity risks were minimised and the challenges of the volatile energy market successfully weathered. Together with partners, Alpiq wants to invest more than CHF 1 billion in the expansion of renewable energies in Switzerland.

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Signing of an Agreement for the renewal of hydropower concessions of Salanfe SA

On 29 December 2020, the municipalities of Salvan, Champéry, Vernayaz, Val-d’Illiez, Evionnaz, Troistorrents, and Monthey signed an Agreement with Alpiq and Salanfe SA to renew the hydropower concessions of Salanfe SA. On this basis, the signatories shall define the terms of implementation of the new concessions entering into force on 1 January 2033, effective for a duration of 80 years.

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