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Nufenen power line now in operation

The upgraded high-voltage power line over the Nufenen pass has been operating at 380 kV since 7 October 2005. Around ten years of planning and construction work has gone into the 14-kilometre line between Ulrichen and All’Acqua.

The new 380 kV ultra-high voltage line over the Nufenen pass connects the Valais and Ticino regions of Switzerland. Over the previous two years, construction workers erected a total of 42 lattice masts along the 14-kilometre route and strung 235 km of cable between them. The new power line replaces a 220 kV line dating back to 1947.

The section traversing the Nufenen pass completes a significant portion of the electricity grid expansion between Lake Geneva and Ticino. The ultimate objective is a 380 kV end-to-end link between Chamoson in the canton of Valais and Lavorgo in the canton of Ticino. This will entail construction of a further three stretches of line in Valais, principally between Chamoson and Chippis, Chippis and Filet/Mörel, and from Filet/Mörel to Ulrichen. The new line provides a general increase in the security of supply in Switzerland, as well as improving the route for electricity generated by Alpine hydroelectric power stations. Expansion has cost around 34 million Swiss francs, and was financed by a consortium of eight companies: Atel, BKW, EOS, Walliser Elektrizitätsgesellschaft AG, Kraftwerk Aegina AG, Lonza, NOK and SBB.

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity Corporate Communications 

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel)
Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) is the leading production-based energy service provider in Switzerland and operates at a pan-European level. Founded in 1894, Atel focuses on the two core businesses of production-based Energy Trading and Energy Services. The group of companies, domiciled in Olten, employs a staff of around 8000 and generated a turnover of CHF 7 billion in 2004. Its main markets in the energy sector are Switzerland, Italy, Germany and the Central and Eastern European countries. Its goods and services range from portfolio management and group energy supplies, to energy derivatives and option contracts, to establishing distribution concepts involving other partners. Trading and distribution are supported by a number of proprietary hydraulic and thermal power stations plus a broadly ramified transmission grid. With its Energy Services Division, Atel provides all technical services pertaining to energy (electricity, gas, oil and biomass) and its uses as power, lighting, cooling and heating, communication and security. Atel is among the leading providers of Energy Services in both Switzerland and Germany.