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New poplar trees for Winznau

Work to renew the poplar avenue along the canal that leads to Gösgen power station will start in Winznau on 27 February 2006. Some 140 aged trees will be felled at first, then replaced by young black poplars.

Atel Hydro AG will start replacing the old tree population along the canal to the Gösgen hydro power station in late February. Around 140 black poplars in the community of Winznau will be felled this winter, and replaced by saplings three to four metres tall. Razing them became necessary because the poplars had all more or less reached their 90-year life expectancy. Examination by tree preservation experts found universal decay and decomposition.

Atel Hydro AG is taking this action in close cooperation with local government in Winznau, and the district forestry authority. The partners are in agreement about restoring the landscape status quo as soon as possible. Accordingly, the old poplar trunks will be bored out and young black poplars planted afterwards in their place. Atel Hydro AG is underwriting the entire cost of clearing and replanting, which will amount to around CHF 500,000. A second stage is planned for winter 2006/2007, this time affecting 165 poplar trees between the communities of Winznau and Obergösgen.

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity Corporate Communications

Atel Hydro AG
Atel Hydro AG is in charge of operating, maintaining and expanding the three hydroelectric power stations at Flumenthal, Ruppoldingen and Gösgen. These three power stations utilise the water of the Aare river between the Lake of Bienne and Aarau. Together, they generate an annual 500 million kWh of electricity. The Flumenthal power station (22 MW) was constructed in 1970. Ruppoldingen became Atel’s first power station in 1894. Today, a state-of-the-art hydroelectric power station with 23 MW replaces the original one. It is a prime example for the ecological use of hydropower. The hydroelectric power station at Gösgen (51 MW) was completely reconstructed in 2000 following more than 80 years of operation. Atel Hydro AG was founded on 11 December 2000. The company is a subsidiary wholly owned by Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity.