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Atel acquires a stake in AEM Torino

The Swiss electricity trading company Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) has acquired a 2.5 per cent holding in the shares of AEM Torino (Azienda Energetica Metropolitana Torino S.p.A.) which are listed on the Milan stock exchange. The purchase underpins Atel's strategy of expanding its cooperation with Italy's largest municipal services. Atel already owns 5 per cent of AEM Milano and 2 per cent of ACEA Roma, and is Italy's largest foreign provider of electricity, with a 5 per cent stake in the Italian market.

Together with the three municipal services, ACEA Roma, AEM Milano and AEM Torino, Atel belongs to the Italpower consortium that is looking to acquire one of Enel's three major production companies which are all due to be privatised. Atel and the three municipal services are already partners in ElectrOne which sells electricity to authorised end-users in Italy.

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity Corporate Communications